McMinnville Regional Availability


Anise Japanese - 3G

Beech American - B&B

Beech Purple Fountain - B&B

Beech Tri-Color - 15G, B&B

Beech Weeping Purple - 15G, B&B

Birch River - B&B

Birch River Dura Heat - B&B

Birch River Heritage - B&B

Birch  White - B&B

Birch White 'Youngii' Weeping - 25G, 45G, & B&B

Blackgum - 25G

Buckeye Bottlebrush - 15G

Cherry Double Pink Serptine - 45G

Cherry Japanese Pink Weeping - 15G

Cherry Okame - B&B

Cherry Pink Weeping - B&B

Cherry Snow Fountain Weeping - 15G & B&B

Cherry Snow Fountain Serptine - 45G

Cherry Snow Goose - B&B

Cherry Yoshino - B&B

Crabapple Harvest Gold - B&B

Crabapple Prairie Fire - B&B

Crapemyrtle Acoma - 15G & 25G

Crapemyrtle Arapaho - B&B

Crapemyrtle Carolina Beauty - 25G

Crapemyrtle Catawba - 5G & 15G

Crapemyrtle Cherry Dazzle - 5G

Crapemyrtle Chickasaw Dwarf - 3G

Crapemyrtle Country Red - 25G

Crapemyrtle Diamond Dazzle -5G

Crapemyrtle Dynamite - 15G & 25G

Crapemyrtle Hopi - 15G

Crapemyrtle Lavender Hardy - B&B

Crapemyrtle Lipan - 15G & B&B

Crapemyrtle Miami - 30G & B&B

Crapemyrtle Muskogee- B&B

Crapemyrtle Natchez - 3G, 5G, 25G & B&B

Crapemyrtle Osage - 5G

Crapemyrtle Pink Velour - 5G

Crapemyrtle Pink Weeping - 3G

Crapemyrtle Pockomoke Dwarf- 3G & 5G

Crapemyrtle Red Rocket - B&B

Crapemyrtle Sioux - B&B

Crapemyrtle Tonto - 3G, 5G, & B&B

Crapemyrtle Tuscarora - 30G & B&B

Crapemyrtle Twilight - 3G

Crapemyrtle Victor Red - 3G & 5G

Crapemyrtle Yuma - 5G

Crapemyrtle Zuni - 3G

Dogwood Bailey's Red Twig - 3G

Dogwood Cherokee Princess - B&B

Dogwood Kousa - B&B

Dogwood Kousa Miss Satomi Pink - B&B

Dogwood Pink - B&B

Dogwood Red - B&B

Dogwood Varigated Red - B&B

Dogwood White - B&B

Elm Allee - B&B

Elm Lace Bark - B&B

Fringe Tree Amercican - 25G & B&B

Fringe Tree Chinese - B&B

Ginkgo - B&B

Ginkgo Autumn Gold - B&B

Hawthorn Winterking - B&B

Hornbeam Columnar - B&B

Honeylocust Skyline - B&B

Lilac Ivory Silk - 25G

Lilac Dwarf Korean Tree Form - 15G

Linden Little Leaf - B&B

Magnolia Ann - 25G & B&B

Magnolia Butterflies - 15G

Magnolia Jane - 7G & B&B

Magnolia Randy - 25G

Magnolia Southern Tree Form - B&B

Magnolia Southern ALta - 30G & B&B

Magnolia Southern Bracken's Brown Beauty - 25G & B&B

Magnolia Southern Claudia Wannamaker - B&B

Magnolia Southern D.D. Blanchard - B&B

Magnolia Southern Edith Bogue - B&B

Magnolia Southern Little Gem - B&B

Magnolia Southern Mig Tig - 30G & 45G

Magnolia Star - 7G

Magnolia Sweet Bay - B&B

Magnolia Sweet Bay Moonglow Tree Form - B&B

Magnolia Sweet Bay Tree Form - B&B

Magnolia Waterlily - 15G

Maple Crimson KIng -B&B

Maple Japanese Bloodgood - 7G, 15G, 25G  & B&B

Maple Japanese Crimson Queen - 15G, 25G & B&B

Maple Japanese Glowing Embers - 25G & B&B

Maple Japanese Ianabe Shidare - 7G

Maple Japanese Tamukeyama - 15G &B&B

Maple Red 'Red Sunset' - B&B

Maple Sugar 'Commemoration' - B&B

Maple Sugar - "Green Mountain' - B&B

Mulberry Weeping Chaparrel - 15G

Oak Nuttall - B&B

Oak Overcup - B&B

Oak Pin - B&B

Oak Red - B&B

Oak Regal Prince - B&B

Oak Shumardi - B&B

Oak Willow - B&B

Oak White - B&B

Parrotia Persican - 45G

Pear Aristocrat - B&B

Pear Bradford - B&B

Pear Cleveland - B&B

Poplar Tulip - B&B

Redbud -  B&B

Redbud Forest Pansy - B&B

Redbud Weeping Lavender Twist - 15G

Serviceberry Autumn Brillance - B&B

Sourwood - 15G

Sweetgum B&B

Sweetgum Splendor Silhouette - B&B

Willow Weeping - B&B

Willow Weeping Golden - B&B

Zelkova Green Vase - B&B



Abelia Edward Goucher - 3G

Abelia Grandiflora - 3G

AbeliaKaleidoscope - 3G

Abelia Little Richard - 7G

Abelia Rose Creek - 3G, 5G & 7G

Abelia Silver Anniversary - 3G

Azalea Conversational Piece - 5G

Azalea Delaware Valley 3G

Azalea Encore - 3G

Azalea Fashion - 5G

Azalea Girard's Crimson - 3G

Azalea Glacier - 3G

Azalea Gumpo Pink - 3G

Azalea Gumpo White - 3G

Azalea Hershey Red - 3G

Azalea Hino - 7G

Azalea Hino Crimson - 3G

Azalea Native Orange - 5G

Azalea Native Pink - 5G

Azalea Native White - 5G

Azalea Pleasant White - 3G

Azalea Poukhanense - 3G

Azalea Roddy White - 5G

Azalea Wakaebisu - 5G

Barberry Crimson Pygmy - 3G, 5G

Barberry Golden - 5G

Barberry Rose Glow - 5G

Bayberry Northern - 7G

Beautyberry Profusion Purple - 3G

Bluebeard 'Snow Fairy' - 5G

Boxwood American - B&B  Assorted sizes

Boxwood Dwarf English- 5G & B&B

Boxwood Graham Blandy - B&B

Boxwood Green Gem - 1G, 15G & B&B

Boxwood Green Pyramid - 5G, 10G, 25G & B&B

Boxwood Green Velvet - 5G, 15G, 25G & B&B

Boxwood Japanese - 3G

Boxwood Varder Valley - 5G & B&B

Boxwood Variegated - 5G

Boxwood Winter Gem - 5G, 7G, 10G & B&B

Burning Bush - B&B

Burning Bush 'Little Moses' - 3G, 5G, & B&B

Butterfly Bush 'Black Knight' - 3G

Butterfly Bush Nanho Blue - 3G

Butterfly Bush -  Pink Delight - 3G

Butterfly Bush Purple Emperor - 3G

Butterfly Bush White Profusion - 3G & 7G

Camellia Allison Hope - 7G

Camellia Bonanza - 7G

Camellia Kanjiro - 7G

Camellia Korean Fire - 3G

Camellia Leslie Ann - 7G

Camellia Royal Velvet - 5G

Camellia Shishi Gashira - 3G

Camellia Snow on Mountain - 3G

Camellia Sparkling Burgundy - 7G

Camellia Winter Star - 5G & 10G

Camellia White Candy - 7G

Camellia Yuletide - 3G & 5G

Carypoteris Dark Knight - 3G

Chokeberry Black -  5G

Clethra Hummingbird - 3G

Clethra Rosea - 3G

Clethra Ruby Spice - 3G

Cleyera Japonica - 3G & 7G

Cotoneaster Rockspray Variegated - 5G

Cotoneaster Scarlet Leader - 3G

Cotoneaster Tom Thumb - 1G

Eleagnus - 3G & 7G

Euonymus Emerald Gaiety - 5G

Euonymus Emerald N Gold - 5G

Euonymus Golden - 7G

Euonymus Manhatten - 3G

Euonymus MoonShadow - 1G

Euonymus Silver King - 5G

Forsythia - 3G & B&B

Fothergilla Mt. Airy - 3G

Gardenia August Beauty - 3G & 7G

Gardenia Frostproof 3G

Gardenia Jubilation - 3G

Honeysuckle Fragrant - B&B

Hydrangea Annabelle Arbor - 7G

Hydrangea Blue Billow Lace Cap - 7G

Hydrangea Blue Bird Lace Cap - 7G

Hydrangea Cardinal Red Mac - 7G

Hydrangea Climbing - 7G

Hydrangea Endless summer - 3G

Hydrangea Endless Summer Twist N Shout - 3G

Hydrangea Fuji Waterfall - 5G

Hydrangea Lady In Red - 5G & 7G

Hydrangea Limelight - 3G, 7G & B&B

Hydrangea Limelight Tree Form - 10G & B&B

Hydrangea Little Lamb - 3G

Hydrangea Oakleaf - 5G, 7G, 15G & B&B

Hydrangea Oakleaf PeeWee - 3G

Hydrangea Oakleaf Snow Queen - 15G & B&B

Hydrangea Penny Mac - 5G

Hydrangea Pink Beauty Mac - 7G

Hydrangea Quick Fire Pani - 7G

Hydrangea Sister Teresa -3G & 7G

Hydrangea Tardiva - 7G & 10G

Hydrangea The Swan Pani - 7G

Itea Henry Garnet - 5G

Itea Little Henry - 5G & 7G

Jasmine Carolina Staked - 3G

Jasmine Confederate - 1G & 3G

Jasmine Butterscotch - 7G

Leucothoe Coastal - 5G

Leucothoe Dodd's Variegated - 5G

Leucothoe Jenking Coastal - 3G

Lilac Ivory Silk - 30G

Lilac Miss Kim - 3G

Lilac Dwarf Korean Tree Form - 15G

Loropetalum - 3G

Loropetalum Emerald Snow - 3G

Loropetalum Plum Delight - 1G & 7G

Loropetalum Ruby - 3G & 5G

Mahonia Bealei Leatherleaf - 3G, 5G & B&B

Mockorange - 3G

Nandina Blush Pink - 1G

Nandina Domestica 3G, 5G, 7G, 10G & B&B

Nandina Dwarf Firepower - 1G, 3G, & 5G

Nandina Flirt - 1G

Nandina Gulfstream - 1G, 3G & 5G

Nandina Harbor Belle - 1G & 2G

Nandina Moon Bay - 3G

Nandina Umpqua Chief - 15G & B&B

Ninebark Diablo - 5G

Osmanthus Tea Olive - 3G

Photina Red Tip - 3G & B&B

Pieris Japonica Cavatine Dwf. - 5G

Pieris Japonica Mountain Fire - 5G & 7G

Pieris Japonica Red Mill - 7G

Pieris Japonica Variegated - 2G

Privet Variegated - 3G

Privett Weeping - B&B

Pyracantha Red - 15G

Quince Red Flowering - 3G

Rhododendron Anah Kruschke - 3G & 7G

Rhododendron Cat. Grandiflora - 3G

Rhododendron Cheer Pink - 7G

Rhododendron Chiodoides - 3G

Rhododendron English Roseum - 3G & 7G

Rhododendron Lee's Purple - 7G

Rhododendron Mrs. Tom Lowenksky - 7G

Rhododendron Nova Zembla - 3G & 7G

Rhododendron PJM - 3G

Rhododendron Roseum Elegans - 3G & 7G

Rose Carefree Celebration - 5G

Rose Carpet Cascade Red 1G & 5G

Rose Climber America - 3G

Rose Climber Autumn Sunset - 3G

Rose Climber Don Juan - 3G

Rose Climber Dublin Bay - 3G

Rose Climber Joseph's Coat -3G

Rose Climber William Baffin - 3G

Rose Climber Winner's Circle - 5G

Rose Crimson Meidiland - 5G

Rose Drift Pink - 3G

Rose Drift White - 3G

Rose English Benjamin Britten - 3G

Rose English Charles Dawson - 3G

Rose English Gentle Herione - 3G

Rose English THe Mayflower - 3G

Rose English William Shakespeare - 3G

Rose English Winchester Cathedral - 3G

Rose Homerun - 7G

Rose Knock Out Blushing - 5G

Rose Knock Out Pink - 3G, 5G & 7G

Rose Knock Out Pink Tree From - 7G

Rose Knock Out Double Pink - 3G, 5G & 7G

Rose Knock Out Rainbow - 3G

Rose Knock Out Red - 3G, 5G & 7G

Rose Knock Out Red Tree Form - 7G

Rose Knock Out Red Double - 3G

Rose Knock Out Sunny Yellow - 1G, 3G & 5G

Rose Knock Out Sunny Yellow Tree Form - 7G

Rose Knock Out White - 1G & 3G

Rose Nearly Wild - 3G

Rose Sunsprite Yellow - 3G

Spirea Anthony Waterer - 3G & 5G

Spirea Goldflame - 5G

Spirea Goldmound - 3G & 5G

Spirea Limemound - 3G

Spirea Little Princess - 3G & 5G

Spirea Shirobana - 7G

Spirea Snowmound - 3G

Spirea Snowstorm - 3G

Sumac Staghorn -7G

Sumac Staghorn Tiger Eyes - 3G

Sweet Shrub - 7G

Viburnum American Cranberry - 25G

Viburnum Alleghany - 5G, 7G & B&B

Viburnum Burkwoodi - 7G

Viburnum Carlessi - B&B

Viburnum Condy - 3G, 5G & 7G

Viburnum Davidii - 3G & 5G

Viburnum Eskimo - B&B

Viburnum European Highbush - 3G

Viburnum Leatherleaf - B&B

Viburnum Mohawk - 3G

Viburnum Old Fashion SNowball - B&B

Viburnum Pragense - 5G, 7G & B&B

Viburnum Shasta - 3G

Vitex Chastetree - 3G & 7G

Weigela Wine and Roses -  3G

Wisteria Evergreen - 10G

Wisteria Purple - 3G & 10G

Witch Hazel - 15G & 25G

Witch Hazel Arnold Promise - 7G & 15G

Witch Hazel Diane - 7G & 15G

Witch Hazel Jelena - 25G



Acuba Gold Dust - 3G & 7G

Acuba Dwarf Green- 3G & 7G

Arborvitae Dark Green- B&B

Arborvitae Emerald - B&B

Arborvitae Golden Globe - B&B

Arborvitae Globe - B&B

Arborvitae Green Giant - B&B

Arborvitae Dwarf Hetzi Midget - 3G & B&B

Arborviate Pyramidal - B&B

Arborviate Rheingold - 5G

Arborviate Sunkist - B&B

Bamboo - 7G, 15G & B&B   Assorted Varities.

Cedar Alaskan Weeping - B&B

Cedar Blue Atlas - B&B

Cedar Blue Atlas Weeping - B&B

Cedar Deodora - 15G, 25G & B&B

Cedar Deodora Deep Cove - B&B

Cedar Deodora Golden - 45G

Cedar Deodora Kashmir - 45G

Cedar Deodora Patti Faye - B&B

Cedar Deodora Wells Roman Golden - B&B

Cedar Red - 15G

Cryptomeria Dwarf Globosa Nana - 3G & 7G

Cryptomeria Radican - 25G & B&B

Cryptomeria Yoshino - 15G, 30G & B&B

Cypress Blue Ice Arizona - 25G

Cypress Carolina Sapphire Arizona -  B&B

Cypress Boulevard - 25G & B&B

Cypress False Gold Mop - 5G, 7G & 15G

Cypress Vintage Gold Mop - 5G

Cypress Dwarf Hinoki - B&B

Cypress Leyland - 5G, 15G, 45G & B&B

Hemlock - B&B

Holly American Greenleaf - B&B

Holly Blue - 25G

Holly Blue Boy - 7G

Holly Blue Girl - 5G

Holly Blue Maid - 3G

Holly Burfordi - 25G & B&B

Holly Burfordi Tree Form -  B&B

Holly Carissa - 3G, 5G & 7G

Holly Centennial Girl - 25G

Holly China Boy - 3G

Holly China Girl - 5G, 7G & 10G

Holly Compacta - 3G, 5G, 7G & B&B

Holly Compacta Cone - B&B

Holly Dr. Kassab - B&B

Holly Dragon Lady - 30G & B&B

Holly Dwarf Burfordi - 3G, 5G, 7G, & B&B

Holly Dwarf Yaupon - 3G, 5G, & 7G

Holly Emily Brunner - B&B

Holly Fosteri - 30G, 45G & B&B

Holly Green Luster - 7G

Holly Helleri - 3G & 7G

Holly Helleri Golden - 5G

Holly Hoogendorn - 3G

Holly Inkberry Nigra - 5G, 7G & 15G

Holly Inkberry Shamrock - 3G & 7G

Holly Jersey Pinnacle - 45G

Holly Jim Dandy "Male"- 7G

Holly Liberty - 30G & B&B

Holly Little Red - 25G & 30G

Holly Mary Nell - B&B

Holly Needlepoint - 3G, 5G, 7G, 15G & B&B

Holly Bellie R. Stevens - 7G, 15G, 25G, 30G, 45G & B&B

Holly Red Little Red- 25G & 30G

Holly Red Oakland - 20G & 30G

Holly Red Robin - 30G

Holly Red Sprite - 7G

Holly Sky Pencil - 3G, 5G, 7G & B&B

Holly Soft Touch - 3G & 5G

Holly Southern Gentleman - 3G

Holly Steeds - 7G, 15G & B&B

Holly Yaupon Weeping - 30G

Jasmine Carolina Staked - 3G

Jasmine Confederate - 1G & 3G

Jasmine Butterscotch - 7G

Jasmine Winter - 1G & 3G

Juniper Andora Compacta - 3G

Juniper Blue Pacific - 1G & 3G

Juniper Blue Point - B&B

Juniper Blue Rug - 1G, 3G & 7G

Juniper Blue Star - 1G & 5G

Juniper Burkii - 5G

Juniper Canaerti - B&B

Juniper Gold Coast - 7G

Juniper Gold Tip - 5G

Juniper Green Mound - 3G

Juniper Grey Owl - 5G

Juniper Hetzi Columnar - B&B

Juniper Hollywood - 25G

Juniper Irish - 3G, 5G & B&B

Juniper Kettlerri - B&B

Juniper Parsoni - 1G, 3G & 7G

Juniper Procumbens Nana - 2G

Juniper Robusta - B&B

Juniper Sargent - 3G

Juniper Saybrook Gold - 5G

Juniper Sea Green - 1G, 3G, 5G & B&B

Juniper Spartan - B&B

Laurel Cherry - 25G

Laurel Cherry Bright N Tight - 7G

Laurel English Dwarf - B&B

Laurel Mountain - B&B

Laurel S&S Supreme - B&B

Laurel Schip - 3G, 7G, 10G & B&B

Laurel West Coast Schip - B&B

Pine Black Thunderhead - 45G

Pine Mugo Dwarf - 1G, 5G & B&B

Pine Virginia - B&B

Pine Dwarf White - B&B

Pine White - B&B

Spruce Blue - B&B

Spruce Blue Baby Blue Eyes - B&B

Spruce Blue Bacheri - B&B

Spruce Blue Blue Select - B&B

Spruce Blue Columnar - B&B

Spruce Blue Hoopsii - B&B

Spruce Dwarf Alberta - 3G, 10G & B&B

Spruce Norway - B&B

Yew Dense - 5G, 7G, 10G & B&B

Yew Hicksi - 7G & B&B

Yew Japanese Plum - 5G & 7G

Yew Japanese Plum Upright - 3G & 7G

Yucca Color Guard - 3G & 5G

Yucca Golden Edge - 3G & 5G

Yucca Green - 5G

Yucca Red - 3G & 5G

Wisteria Evergreen - 10G



Ajuga Catlin's Giant - 5"

Ajuga Chocolate Chip - 4"

Candytuft - 1G

Calamagrostis Karl Foerster - 3G

Coral Bells Melting Fire - 1G

Creeping Jenny - 1G

Daylily Aztec Gold - 2G

Daylily Little Business - 1G

Daylily Little Grapettee - 1G

Daylily Mini Pearl - 1G

Daylily Nashville Star - 1G

Daylily Penny's Worth - 1G

Daylily Stella D'Ora - 1G

Daylily Tiny Pumpkin - 2G

Fern Asparagus - 1G

Fern Autumn - 1G

Fern Boston - 1G & 3G

Fern Kimberly - 5G

Fern Wood - 1G

Gaura Passionate Rainbow - 5"

Grass Dwarf Mondo - 4" & 1G

Grass Lyme 'Blue Dune' - 1G

Grass Mondo - 4" & 1G

Grass Muhly - 1G & 3G

Grass Pampass - 3G, 5G & 7G

Grass Weeping Love - 3G

Hosta Seiboldiana Elegans - 1G

Hosta Sum and Substance - 1G

Hypericum 'Briggadoon' - 1G

Hypericum - 'St.Johns Wart' - 3G

Indigo - 3G

Iris Louisiana - 1G

Ivy English - 4" & 1G

Junus Blue Arrow Rush - 5"

Junus Corkscrew Rush Twister - 5"

Laminum - 1G

Lavender Provence - 5"

Liriope Big Blue - 4" & 1G

Liriope Monroe White - 1G

Liriope Royal Purple - 4" & 1G

Liriope Silver Dragon - 4" & 1G

Liriope Silvery Sunproof - 4" & 1G

Liriope Spicata - 4" & 1G

Liriope Vareigated - 4" & 1G

Miscanthus Adagio - 1G & 3G

Miscanthus Gold Bar - 3G

Miscanthus Green - 3G

Miscanthus Little Kitten - 1G

Miscanthus Purpurascens - 3G

Miscanthus Zebra - 3G

Pachsyandra - 4" & 1G

Panicum Prairie Fire - 5G

Pennisetum Black Moudry 3G

Pennisetum Little Bunny - 1G

Pennisetum Hamelin - 1G & 3G

Peony Kansas Red - 3G

Peony Pink - 3G

Petunia Mexican Purple Showers - 1G

Phlox Creeping Candy Stripe - 5"

Phlox Creeping Red Wings - 5"

Rosemary Prostrate - 1G

Sage Russian - 1G

Salvia May Knight - 1G

Sedum Brilliant - 1G

Wintercreeper Purple  -4" & 1G

Vinca Minor - 4" & 1G